What is Speak Up?

Speak Up enables Tucker Energy Services employees, subcontractors, suppliers, and others to raise concerns or to seek advice on a matter related to compliance with the law and our Code of Ethics and Business Practices, in confidence and without fear of retaliation.


Who can use Speak Up?

The Global Helpline is for all employees, subcontractors, suppliers, and other third parties with whom TES has a business relationship if they observe wrongdoing by a TES company or employee.


How can I raise a query or concern via Speak Up?

Speak Up is an online facility available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Visit the confidential website https://speakup.tuckerenergyapps.com/, fill in the form to submit your query or concern. After you submit a report, you will receive a code. This code must be retained in order to submit further information or review the status of your report at any time after submission.


What happens when a Speak Up report is received by TES?

If the report is a query for which advice is sought, it will be passed to a qualified individual to provide advice, such as a subject matter expert or a member of our legal team.

If the report is in the nature of an allegation that requires careful investigation, an investigator or investigation team will be assigned.

To submit a report please click on button below.